HubSpot CRM + Clearout Email Validation

Take advantage of HubSpot email verification integration with Clearout to clean the email list from one or more HubSpot account.

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Why Should You Validate Your Hubspot Email List?

Validating your email list in HubSpot is a necessary step to improve and maintain email deliverability. By utilizing Clearout's HubSpot Email validation integration, you can ensure that your email list is free of bad, disposable, and fake email addresses before sending any emails. This integration allows you to securely import and export data between HubSpot and Clearout, making the validation process seamless and efficient. With a clean email list, you can increase the chances of your emails reaching your intended recipients and avoid being flagged as spam or blocked by email providers.

5 steps to verify emails list on HubSpot

Looking for real-time email validation on HubSpot Forms?

Integrate Clearout JavaScript Widget to your HubSpot forms and identify invalid and spammy email addresses at the point of capture. Enhance the quality of your HubSpot forms and transform your email lists into a legion of rabid, engaged super-fans!

Steps to integrate Clearout with HubSpot Forms.

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1. Connect account

After logging into your Clearout account, navigate to the 'Integration' tab and choose 'HubSpot'. To add your HubSpot account, click "Add Account" and enter your HubSpot credentials.

If your HubSpot account is already linked, click on the HubSpot integration to view your audience list.

Note: You can add multiple HubSpot accounts.
HubSpot Email Validation Integration - Clearout

2. Add the email lists

To maintain clean email address lists, you can easily add them from your linked HubSpot account.

After successfully logging in, select the list(s) that you want to validate from your HubSpot account.

Once the lists are selected, click on 'Add to my list'.
HubSpot Email Validation Integration - Clearout

3. Verify the email list

After successfully adding the audience list, click on "Verify" to initiate the validation process for the added HubSpot list.
HubSpot Email Validation Integration - Clearout

4. Export the verified results

After the validation is complete, the user can download the results in CSV or XLSX format, or export them directly to their HubSpot account.
The user can export the results by selecting either "unsubscribe," "append," or both..

Unsubscribe: Users can unsubscribe the invalid/non-deliverable email addresses on the HubSpot static list automatically which unsubscribes all the non-deliverables from the mailing list.

Append: User can export the result and append the Clearout columns with the original file in the HubSpot account.

HubSpot Email Validation Integration - Clearout

5. Append Clearout columns in HubSpot

To include Clearout Information fields in your verified HubSpot list, start by opening the list and clicking on 'Actions'.

From there, select 'Edit columns' to bring up a window with several choices. Look for 'Clearout Information' and choose the specific columns you want to add, then save your changes.
HubSpot Email Validation Integration - Clearout

HubSpot Meeting Integration with JavaScript Widget

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Get the Clearout Advantage!

See why 30,000+ companies trust Clearout for all-in-one email solution

Accurate Results

The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are. Our service provides clear-cut results of over 98% accuracy, ensuring the maintenance of your sender reputation.

Distinctive Features

We offer a range of unique features, such as domain allowlist/blocklist, guaranteed deliverability, team account analytics, and much more to enhance your experience.

World Class Support

We are available 24/7 to assist you in understanding your email program and sending campaigns with confidence.